Saturday, May 22, 2010


Well, well, well, why did I use "circle" as the title of this post?
Of course, by definition, a circle is a shape where there are no vertex. (this is according to me, I am not sure if it is accurate definition of circle.)

But that is not the reason why I chose it, of course I won't write a blog just because of a shape. My language is not that good until I can do that yet. So, enough with the crap, the reason is because I think it is ironic how things work out. Just like a circle, you will be doing things that happened to you. Or something like that, let me explain.

So, it has been around 3months since I am in Sydney. Before coming here, I got the attitude of "ya, it's okay, I don't worry, so you don't need to worry as well" This is because my aunts and cousins were very worried and always remind me of this and that. I was like "ya ya, I know I know. Okay Okay." I don't know why they are so worried and tell me so many things to be careful of and stuff..

But, as I said, ironically, now the same things had happened to me. I found out that my cousin and sister are going to study in UTAR in Kampar. Since this is the first time that two girls leave home, so I was like remember to bring this, be careful of that, check this and so on to them. I did not know why I said all that to them also but it just seems the right thing to do.

I msn with them when I told them all those stuff. So when I was typing, I was "Oh My! I am doing what my cousin did" and I was laughing while typing. I just can't believe how ironic life is. It really is like a circle, I never thought I will do the worrying and yet I did. Haha.

Okay, I think you might be bored with my writing thus I am ending this.
Well, maybe because I forgotten what else to write. Haha. Well, this post waas schedule on the 19th and I postpone it to today because of my stupid assignment which I really hope is good enough so that I can pass the course. I have no intention of repeating that stupid course any time soon.

So, this is the end of this post as I need to get my rest now. Thanks for reading.

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