Monday, May 17, 2010

What is it?

Everyone had the same amount of it...
Most people says it is not enough...
Yet some people says they have too much...

How can the same thing be different?
Why can the same thing be different?
The answer,
Because everyone is different...
Because everyone is unique...

Everyone is racing with it...
Most people try as hard as they can...
Yet no one can catch up with it...
It always stays ahead of everyone...

You want to control it...
I want to control it...
But no one get to be it's master...

It doesn't have legs...
It doesn't have life...
But it moves without slowing down...

It is here...
It is there...
Where is it?
Who can tell?

You can't see it...
You can't touch it...
But you always know...
Oh Yes you do...
That it is there...

How do you use it?
Which is the best?
You and Me can tell...
But who can really do it?


Samuel Tang said...

aiyo....such an easy riddle
told you already, follow your time table. You started out so good, created a time table but now like that.
then your upcoming exam how?

Den said...

haha... is it that obvious??? or is it because i told u about it ad??? haha... yer... sien nia... hehe..